Nothrem Sinsky - CV (curriculum vitae)

Last web update 5/2018; last PDF update 5/2018

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aliasNothrem Sinsky
emailemail.gif, 1 kB (for spam protection the email is stored as aimage. You can not click it nor copy it.)
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nationalityčeská (czech)
born1983, Plzeň, Czech Republic
5/2017 - until nowData are hidden. Contract for an indefinite period
position: Leading Nette Template Designer
scope of employment: developement of a new, fully responsive web application build on Nette and Bootstrap frameworks. Template developement (Nette Templats, components, form, snippets) from graphic design (click dummy). Extension of used frameworkds functionalities (Nette Macros, Flexbox/Grid for Bootstrap 3, LESS mixins, AJAX, etc.). Backend developement in Nette framework (Models, signals, data saving and loading) and MySQL (table designing, relations, index optimizations). Developement of LESS stylesheets a JavaScript handlers including their smart loading (progressive CSS loading, inline vs. deferred skripts, etc.). Management of translations and nationalization including developement of tools used for export and import of translation dictionaries (Nette Kdyby/Neon). Processing of responsive graphics, icons and sprites including image optimization (mozJPEG, optiPNG, SVGO, etc.). Automatization using Grunt tasks (lessc, uglify, image processing, etc.). Modification and improvents for UX and page loading speed (compression, caching, cross-browser compatibility, etc.).
3/2013 - 4/2017Data are hidden. Contract for an indefinite period (transferred to a different position)
position: Leading Web Design and UX Developer
scope of employment: developement of a GUI for mobile web applications (iPhone, iPad) and native mobile applications using web technologies (Android - PhoneGap). Modernization of existing desktop web sites into mobile/responsive applications. Modification of functionalities based on customer needs/requirements. Improvement of UX of existing functionalities utilizing modern technologies (CSS3, Ajax, Lazy loading, etc.).
1/2013 - 3/2013Data are hidden. Trial period - training, position canceled due to company restructuring.
position: IS Team Leader
scope of employment: managing a team, which is responsible for running cloud-based systemu Unicorn Universe.
Ensuring SLA a HA (SLA = Service Level Agreement, HA = High Availability; maximum availability - minimum down-time), planning deployment of new versions, solving problems with developers and customers/support.
7/2007 - 12/2012Data are hidden. Contract for an indefinite period, terminated for organizational reasons
position: Web administration developer
scope of employment: collecting requirements from customers, designing GUI; developing GUI, application logic and infrastructure; collecting and solving error reports from customers.
7/2005 - 6/2007Data are hidden. Fixed-term contract
position: Network administrator and program designer
scope of employment: administration of LAN network and technical support (incl. Windows, desktop/office applications, Apache2, PHP and MySQL); design of company www pages; design of company informational system (intranet) - stock and limit control, billing, list of customers and suppliers, accounting and other company-specific needs (developement and testing of new products).
9/2004 - 6/2005One-year english course (see education)
3/2004 - 6/2004Ahold cz - Hypernova cashier, restocker

2014Japanese Language course for Advanced students
2010-2012Japanese individual lessons with a teacher
2004-2005Intensive one-year english course, Státní jazyková škola v Plzni (language school)pass with merit
2002-2004Západočeská univerzita v Plzni - Fakulta aplikovaných věd - obor Informatika(University of West Bohemia in Pilsen - Faculty of Applied Science - IT specialization)
incomplete (personal reasons)
1998-2002Střední průmyslová škola elektrotechnická v Plzni - obor 26-84-6 Elektrotechnika - Výpočetní technika(High Electrotechnical school - IT specialization)
completed with leaving examination (Czech language, Economy, IT, practical test of electrical engineering)

foreign languages
englishexcelent (C1 level)
2012Oxford Online Placement incl. interview with native speaker
Result: level C1 (90 points) Data are hidden.
2005PET - Preliminary English Test (level B1)
Pass with merit
2004-2005Intensive one-year english course, Státní jazyková škola v Plzni (language school)pass with merit
2001Basic english coursepass
20013-week intensive english course, Hastings, England
2014Japanese Language course for Advanced students
2010-2012Japanese individual lessons with a teacher
1994 - 2002Compulsory schooling

programming languages
WebHTML 4/5 (XHTML), CSS 2/3, PHP 5/7 (OOP, Zend Framework), Javascript ES5/ES6 (DOM, AJAX, JSON, Nette, Bootstrap, ExtJS 3/4, jQuery, jQuery UI, jQuery Mobile, Cordova, Node.js, Grunt tasks, Less plugins)
DatabasesMySQL 5/MariaDB 10 (relations, replication, index optimization, etc.), Redis (data caching for PHP, storing of rapidly changing data)
OtherJava (Android - Cordova), Windows (Batch) Ruby (Skripts for Linux console)
Delphi 7 (Object Pascal, Memory management, ASM, DirectX), Visual Basic, VBA
SW developementSCRUM (Agile developement)
UML, Design patterns, Mind Maps (FreeMind)
used technologiesRegular expressions (RegExp - JS/PHP/Ruby/Bash), XML, JSON, UTF-8, UNICODE
remote accessVNC (RealVNC), RDP, TeamView, SSH/PuTTY/WinSCP, OpenVPN, KerioVPN
versioningGIT (console, GitExtensions), SVN (TortoiseSVN, Console), CVS (TortoiseCVS, WinCVS)
debuggingChrome (Windows, MacOS, Android - remote debugging), Internet Explorer (Windows, Windows Phone, Windows Phone Emulator), Safari (MacOS, iOS - remote debugging, iOS emulator), Firefox (Firebug, FirePHP)
Wireshark, Fiddler, jsLint, esLint/JSCS
developer GUIPhpStorm, Eclipse (JS, PHP, Java, ADT), Zend Studio 5 (PHP), PSpad, Visual Studio for Web, Visual Studio C++
Photoshop, Corel PaintShop Pro,
serversApache 2 (instalation, configuration, incl. virtual domains), PHP (instalation, configuration, extensions), MySQL (phpMyAdmin), Redis, Node.js
GIT Server, SVN server

operation systems Windows 9x, Windows XP Home/Profi, Windows Vista/7/8/10, MS DOS, Windows Consoleinstalation, configuration, Batch scripting
technical support WMWare Workstation/ESX, Oracle VirtualBoxinstalation, configuration, server management, application debugging Linuxbasic administration, SSH (PuTTY), SCP, Bash scripting, Nano, VIM, MC, package instalation, daemon configuration MacOS X, iOSbasic administration, web debugging, remote debugging of Safari on iOS, iOS7 emulator Androidconfiguration, USB debugging, ADB console, LogCat, remote debugging of Chrome, emulators (ADT, BlueStacks)
Android 2.2, Android 4.x, Android 5+
otherMS Word, Excel (incl. SpreadsheetML), PowerPoint, OpenOffice/LibreOffice (Writer, Calc), Adobe Acrobat Profi, TrueCrypt and others
trainings and tests
2015Aaron Marcus: Mobile UX persuasion designPresentation and workshop about (mobile) application designing by taking in account user's emotions and needs.
2012Windows 8 RoadShowTraining for developing Windows 8 Metro applications (WinRT, IE10, touch control, design, etc.)
2010, 2011, 2012WebExpo PrahaPresentations of new web technologies, views on the development of IT by leading companies (Seznam, Microsoft, Google, Skype, ...)
2008Ilja Kravál: UML a Design patternsUsing object-oriented programming with well-known practices and design patterns.Designing programs using UML language.
2005ECDL (European computer driving licence)Sylabus version 3.0 (MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Access, IE)

other exams
2001Driving licence group B (personal motorcars, SUV, pickups, vans, etc.)

hobbies, interests
TranslationsCzech translations of computer games and applications, walkthroughs and manuals, movie subtitles
2006-2007Oblivion CZ Team Translation of TES4: Oblivion & Shivering Isles
2005TES3: Morrowind (hosting terminated) Translation of plugins for czech version
2004Projekt Eden Translation of Project Eden game
2003Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness Translation of game (unfinished)
1998Dark Colony Translation of game (unpublished)
Game walkthroughs
2016Brány Skeldalu - 7 mages Game walkthrough (note: english version is auto-translated and waits for professional translation)
2007Bioshock Full walkthrough
2008Tomb Raider Underworld Full walkthrough
2007Tomb Raider Anniversary Full walkthrough
2007Jade Empire - Nefritové císařství Full walkthrough
2006 - 2011Half-Life 1, 2, Episode One, Episode Two, Portal, Portal 2 Full walkthrought
2006LEGO Star Wars The GameLEGO Star Wars The Original Trilogy walkthrough
2004Projekt Eden Full walkthrough
2004Tron 2.0 walkthrought
2004Hledá se Nemo (Finding Nemo) walkthrough
technical supportsupport, help
2014+CSS3 Blog (czech language only)JavaScript Blog (czech language only)
2013+StackOverflowJS, CSS3
2007+Blog o administraci Windows a Linux systémů, databázích, atd.
2006-2007ICQ, ("how to write a web") programming support for HTML, PHP, CSS, SQL technical support for ATI cards and video programming support for Delphi 7
  • toy photography (Nendoroid)
  • music (dance, jpop, kpop)
  • serial stories (sci-fi, comedy, anime)
  • Computer games
  • PaperCraft
    • 2nd place in "Papírový velbloud 2012" contest
  • kickbiking
    • participation in "KOLOBĚHran 2012"
    • participation in "Kolem Světa ("Around the World"), Františkovy lázně, 2013"
more info
full CV in czech:
full CV in english:

Source code examples

(Click on a highlighted file name to display its content.
Click on a highlighted repository name to see its content on GitHub.)
PHP Example from my framework JEWE, a simple framework that loads any plugins a developer has uploaded to the server and lets them prepare HTML page.
  • Engine
    • index.php - initializes whole framework
    • - defines how the plugins will process input files and generate HTML page based on server configuration (file
    • - is responsible for loading and registering all plugins
  • Plugins
    • - loads an input file (defined in configuration) and processes it line-by-line by using other plugins
    • - looks for special keywords in the input file and both creates header elements in the HTML file and prepares list of the chapters so that other plugins can later create menu for the HTML page
  • Functional example
PHP/ZendZend_Db_Query - Modification of the original Zend_Db_Select that supports more query types (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, SubQuery), more complex conditions (WHERE, JOIN), automatic column name translation to aliases, etc.
Javascript sample of my work on extensions and plugins for various JS frameworks and libraries
  • jQuerySmartEllipsis - Inteligent replacement for CSS definition text-overflow: ellipsis. Based on a discussion on StackOverflow.
  • jQuery Process - Alternative of jQuery's Deferred class that simulates ES6 Promises (in ES5 environment) and adds more functionality to handling promises, slave processes and AJAX responses.
  • jQuery BWIP - jQuery wrapper for the BWIP-JS library (barcode writer). Allows to generate barcodes directly from elements selected by jQuery and optimizes when used on a multiple elements at once.
  • Less Version - Plugin for LESSC compiler to calculate version hash for files included into CSS (images) for file versioning (anti-caching).
Bash (UNIX script)
  • - script looks for an error in log files based on known error description and time when it happened. When found, it shows menu for easier error processing.
    Script expects few preconditions:
    • logs are rotated periodically - script skips older logs to improve performace
    • all logs can be found on current system in folder "/mnt/<server>/logs" where <server> is name of a remote server
    • logs are stored in folders named by running process and files are named by process and log type, e.g. "logs/apache/apache-error.log"
    • script is written for Red Hat linux with bash (version 3.2.25), less (v436) and Midnight Commander's MCview